Today I finally had the time to finish my kegerator. I didn't have a ton of room, so I went with a Sanyo 4912 mini fridge, which has room for 2 five gallon cornelius kegs and 1 five pound CO2 tank. I was very surprised at just how easy it was to convert this refrigerator to a kegerator. I purchased 4 kegs from morebeer as well as the miscellaneous tubing and connections that I needed. I purchased the draft tower and two tap handles from Northern Brewer.
I didn't take pictures of the process, but it went pretty simply. I took the plastic top off the fridge and turned it upside down. I used a dremel to remove the plastic fins underneath in an 8" x 8" square. I cut a piece of 1/2" plywood to fit in this space and placed it inside. I placed the cover back on the fridge and then carefully drilled a hole with a 2 3/4" hole saw, being careful to avoid the coolant line that was 7" from the back of the fridge. Once I had a hole all the way through to the inside I marked four holes for the screws to the draft tower. I carefully drilled these holes through the plastic top and the plywood support. I hammered tee nuts into the holes. I then applied a thick bead of silicon caulk to the plywood and affixed it permanently to the plastic top and screwed the tower in.
After that it was just a matter of putting the plastic top back on (and putting some foil tape on the hole I drilled to keep the insulation in). Now I have my very own kegerator. On the left is a pretty decent pale ale; on the right a beer that is pretty crappy for the amber ale it is supposed to be, but as a beer not bad at all.
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