Monday, July 9, 2007

Amber Again...

My very first attempt at making beer was an Amber Ale extract kit from Northern Brewer. As certain people can attest, this beer was not good. It was down right awful. Of the paltry 35 bottles of the stuff I made, I think I still have 25 left. I have a feeling they will sit there unloved until I finally get around to dumping them out and using the bottles.

I still like the idea of having a nice Amber ale around, so I decided to have another go at this one. I figured I'd made a good amount of progress in my brewing skills and can better control fermentation temps now. So I picked up another Amber Ale kit from Northern Brewer. This time I went for an all grain kit, rather than extract. That alone will guarantee that this tastes different from the first one.

I brewed this up on the 4th of July in the early morning. I started at 7 am to beat the heat, but it was still scorching hot by the time I finished up around noon.

I missed my OG by 3 points, was expecting 1.047 got 1.044. This was due to overshooting my water amount a bit. I ended up with almost 5 1/2 gallons of water in the carboy and left another 1/2 gallon of break material in the kettle.

5 days later and fermentation is starting to die down. Looking forward to seeing how this turned out. Keeping my fingers crossed.

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