I picked up a magnetic mixer off of eBay for a decent price. It came out of a lab somewhere, so it's a little beat up, but it works. It's fun to play with too. I made a starter today on my lunch break in preparation for brewing tomorrow. I usually make my starters 3 or 4 days in advance, but I hoped that the mixer would help shave some time off that.
I was right. I came home to a beautiful sight. The starter was in full krausen and was finished fermenting just hours later. I snapped a picture of the impressive foam I achieved.
I should have nice healthy yeast for tomorrow. I'll be brewing another batch of Cream Ale. I'm loving this stuff so far. Perfect for the warm weather we are in. I should have enough to last me the summer at this rate. With the last batch, I accepted that this is a guzzler of a beer and bottled it all in 22 oz bottles instead of 12. At 4.6% ABV it's not too bad, not quite a session beer, but close.